Researc: Chosen Song Lyric Analysis

When analysing the lyrics, I came up with some conclusions for the use of wording by the artist. I have drawn to a conclusion that the song's lyrics are based on a relationship situation.  I believe that the title reflects on the story that is told in the song; 'Flip' suggesting the tables being turned for the two people in the situation.

I believe that the first phrase represents the person who's feelings are being portrayed from his point of view. 'Running through my head' could be suggesting that he is mentally being targeted by his opponent. The opponent is constantly running on his mind. We can conclude that this behaviour is bothering the person being targeted as the threads being chopped off can symbolize the chaos being caused, or perhaps his patience is being tested. However, the last phrase 'A love and love and hate, it's an empty tune' shows that this situation is like it was expected, or that it is just an ordinary love situation.

We can tell that the person being targeted is getting tired of the person that is bothering his mind because he is said to be 'Making a cocoon when my brain fails'. This could be portraying the fact that he loses his mind to the point where he cannot gather his thoughts anymore and his 'brain fails'. We see that he is being pushed to his boundaries.

I think that the chorus suggests to us that the person wants to return to the days when the relationship was going wrong or that he was very affected by the actions of his lover. He wants to 'go back with a club and attack', which could be saying that he is seeking for revenge and hope to put the person into his shoes. Furthermore, the fact that he wants to make his 'little fall take his own' could be additionally suggesting how he wants the other person to experience the same. This could be the definition of 'Flip' how the places of the pair are being switched.

Additionally, how the chorus is sung from first person view provides us that close connection with the artist and helps us relate personally to the situation.

Stating how he's 'overgrown with the yellow mould' can imply that he has waited too long or that he's been very slow with keeping up with the relationship, which could explain the mould that has evolved on him. The 'hollow dome' could be the cocoon he trapped himself in. It can foreshadow the wall he built for himself against the truth about his relationship that he did not hear for himself. Additionally, the yellow mould could be representing the lies that covered the truth. He was lied to himself, and he lived up believing them, which is why it was growing on him. Although, the fact that the mould has overgrown him can show that he was burdened with lies hidden from the truth.

The fourth verse could be illustrating him standing in front of her. She is described to be accepting as she 'takes us in', however as he lifts her chin up, she grins and walks through him, which could show that she looks at him as someone unimportant or someone to be avoided. She walks through him, which could suggest that he is made up from the 'smoke' that was foreshadowed in the very first line of the lyrics.

Nonetheless, this time he is ready to get revenge on her to return the chaos she caused him. This time, he is running on her mind 'with a bone all night'. I have looked into the symbolism for 'bone' and have discovered that it is often described to be seen as something that lasts forever. We could take this meaning and apply it to him running around with the bone that could show him being on her mind for eternity. This can be reflected back on her doing the same earlier in the song. All in all, they have switched places and now he is the opponent for her, making her experience the trouble she made him go through.

This time, the chorus is slightly manipulated to fit their new situation. This time, he is going back to 'a face, not a mask'. This could be suggesting that the girl was wearing a mask and protecting the truth from him. This time, he is going to face the real her and deal with the real truth. Additionally, he states that he wasn't 'fooled until I met you'. This could be concluded as him being played on in their relationship.

Again, the chorus is sung in first person, which gives us that personal connection with the situation the artist is in. He is said to shake his feathers and break loose, which could be describing his escape from the tiring relationship. The song is ended in these sort of lyrics to show that he has freed himself from the troubling situation.


I have searched for any conclusions from other people on the meaning of this song's lyrics, however due to their small fame, I couldn't find any signs of opinion on the song. However, during an interview carried out by Huw Oliver, I have discovered this;

The lyrics are particularly out-there. Some lines are indecipherable, but others, like “don’t you just wanna know those peanut butter vibes?” are clear enough. This is so-called ‘intelligent pop’ music, but aren’t the band surprised that people take their music so seriously? “It’s kind of meant to be funny,” Dave quips like a shot. “All the lyrics are meant to be cheeky and said from the perspective of a child, someone a bit up in the clouds, so I was using all these references to things that kids would talk about. But I’m glad people take it seriously. Our label were definitely worried.”

But Dave, what does it actually mean? “I don’t know,” he replies, evasively. “I never go into what songs actually mean, in serious detail, to me, because it’s quite a personal thing, and I think also, I remember this one instance where Joe was like, ‘hey Dave, what’s this all about?’ And I told Joe what this song was about, and he was like, ‘Oh, that’s totally not what it meant to me.’ So, I don’t want to ruin it like that for other people, just in case there’s some weirdo out there who’s come up with some kind of personal meaning to it.”

Rather than creating a straightforward meaning for the song, they allow their listeners to develop their own meaning to the lyrics, which I believe is a clever way of producing their music as their listeners can enjoy their music the way they believe it is portrayed.